Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting fit

So today I did level one of Jillian Micheal's "30 Day Shred" with my 2 year old's assistance.  "Go faster mommy, do that dance!"  I turned to look at my sweet child.  She had pulled up her shirt, midriff style and was holding 2 paper flowers as hand weights.  (The ladies on the DVD use hand weights and wear crop tops to show off their hard earned and slightly intimidating abs)  She shimmied around in what I can only describe as a "windmill gone loose" motion.
I should mention at this point that I also have a 3 month old who, miraculously, was asleep at the time.  I have great respect for the TV's toughest trainer but feel that in order to do the video, one must give away one's ass in order for the great Ms. Micheals to return it at the end of the work out.   "Move it mommy!", E. shouted as I continued to struggle with the abs segment.  Anyone who has had a baby, particularly via c-section, knows that getting that jello belly back to something resembling active muscle is quite a challenge.  " I like that dance lady !", shouted E.
We moved onto squats with front shoulder raises.  I had been incorrect in my assessment that carrying around a baby for the last three months would have resulted in strong arms.  During the push-ups, I thought I was in danger of kissing the floor at rapid speed.  Finally, the work out was over.  "Good job mommy!"
Inspiration really does come from the most wonderful places.